This gallery contains 6 photos.
A few photos from ESU C&T in Leipzig and the excellent Large Project Planning, Funding, and Management course lead by Lynne Siemens fromĀ INKEĀ at Victoria.
I am very happy to have become part of the illustrious ETCL team at UVic. I blogged about my first day at the lab here. That my first day coincided with Day of DH 2013 was a happy coincidence. š
This gallery contains 6 photos.
A few photos from ESU C&T in Leipzig and the excellent Large Project Planning, Funding, and Management course lead by Lynne Siemens fromĀ INKEĀ at Victoria.
After an incredible learning experience at the DHSI in June, I feel fortunate to be heading to the University of Leipzig in July. Ā At “Culture and Technology” I will be participating in the “Large Project Planning, Funding, and Management Workshop.” … Continue reading